
Avoid These Common Mistakes When Buying Motorcycle Helmets


Buying a new motorcycle can be exciting, but it also comes with some hurdles. One of those hurdles is finding a new helmet that’s right for you. After all, every new motorcycle comes with its own set of safety concerns, as well as its own set of expectations for its new helmet. Fortunately, just like finding the right bike, finding the right helmet is simple if you know what to look for. Here are some of the most common mistakes new riders make with their motorcycle helmets.

Don’t Buy the Cheapest Helmet You Can Find

Like many other items in life, the cheapest helmet you can find isn’t always the best one. The cheapest helmets are often the most unsafe and poorly designed. They may lack the proper retention system, and they may not fit properly. While a cheap helmet may be a bargain, you’re much better off spending a little more on a helmet that will stay on your head for years to come. That said, there are still some cheap helmets that are safe. The trick is to know what to look for.

Don’t Buy Based on Brand

Many new riders start their search for a new helmet by looking at the brand they currently ride in. While some brands do make a better helmet than others, the best brands come from a specific set of safety and design standards. To make their helmets, these brands must comply with stringent safety standards that are set by organizations like the Snell Foundation. This means you can be sure that your helmet meets the minimum level of safety. That said, if you’re looking for a more personalized fit, your best bet is to find a brand of helmet that makes its own helmets.

Make Sure to Wear the Helmet Before You Buy

Another mistake new riders make is buying their first helmet without trying it on. This is especially important with full-face helmets, as they can be especially uncomfortable to wear without sizing or fitting properly. That’s why so many helmet manufacturers offer a try-on program where you can try a variety of helmets out at an in-store location.

The Shape of the Helmet Matters

One of the most important features of motorcycle helmets is the shape. This is because it determines how comfortable the helmet feels. The right shape will ensure the helmet stays on your head, as well as offers a degree of adjustability to ensure a custom fit. Most helmets come in a variety of shapes, such as round, oval, and rectangular. Most important, you want the right shape for your head. If the shape is too big or too small, it can cause headaches, neck pain, and even neck injuries.

As you can see, finding the right motorcycle helmet is a bit of a balancing act. You want to find a helmet that’s safe, comfortable, and fits properly. However, you also don’t want to overspend and end up with a cheap helmet that’s unsafe or uncomfortable to wear. With these tips in mind, you’re well on your way to finding the right helmet for you.