
Ceramic Coatings You Can Trust On Now


The use of ceramics is no longer limited to kitchen and bathroom floors. It is now used almost everywhere in the house, among other things as wall covering. Ceramics for walls and floors, however, have their distinct characteristics and are not always interchangeable.


In the case of floor ceramics, resistance is the first criterion to be evaluated. Recommend thicker and more resistant ceramics in rooms of intense activity, such as the kitchen. To avoid having to change your tiles frequently because of breakage and cracks caused by frequent passages, the resistance factor and the use are closely linked.

The ceramic wall is subject to less disruptive than the floor. Resistance is therefore not a critical factor, in the case of kitchen and bathroom backrests, for example.

If you have children or pets, the question of resistance of wall coverings ceramic tiles are placed in areas within their reach in order to avoid prematurely weakening your installation. Here are the things you should know about best ceramic coatings.

The texture

Highly textured ceramics are much better suited to wall tiles, to give your room style, than to a floor where you may regularly walk barefoot. They are also less practical in terms of maintenance when they are installed as a floor.

The weight

The shape, weight, dimensions and adhesion of ceramics tiles are elements to take into consideration before making your choice. Despite the best grout, some floor tiles would be too heavy for your wall.

In recent years, there has been a craze for ceramics  as a covering for the courtyard. Giving a luxurious effect, it has become a product of choice.

On the balcony, around the inground pools, under the dining table or in the hall, you can see her everywhere. Although the enthusiasm is relatively recent, it is not a new product. They do not have much difference with those seen in the properties. But you have to choose a ceramic with suitable characteristics for outdoor installation. Its installation is no more complicated than that of a ceramic for the home.

Two essential characteristics

Indeed, not all the ceramics available on the market may be suitable for the yard. In North America, we face winter. How can I make this coating resistant to freezing and thawing? First, it should be chosen from porcelain. But not just any, It must have a water absorption level of less than 0.5. Thus, the material can survive the elements. The effect of freezing and thawing cannot crack it. Also, it must have a thickness of 20 mm, which is approximately twice more than the usual ceramic.

Perfect for all surfaces?

Exterior porcelain is installed in much the same way as that found in our homes. Just like her, the base that will receive it is important: the ground must be straight and firm. It can be glued on concrete or even placed on a gravel surface, previously leveled. Even sloping grounds can be embellished by this product, for example a parking lot. On the other hand, it is recommended to glue the ceramic when there are inclinations to prevent it from moving over time. It can be installed in several places, but plywood is not recommended.