
Knowing About the Hand Controls


Vehicle hand management offers individuals coping with physical disabilities the ability to drive as well as run a car. Hand controls permit the driver to take care of both the brake as well as gas pedals utilizing bars that are typically installed under the steering wheel as well as attached to the pedals.

There are different types of controls available, which is why it is very important to talk with a wheelchair specialist, a vehicle driver rehab professional, to find which ones will be the best fit for you. Below is an introduction to assist you in getting started in comprehending hand control alternatives.

  • Push/Rock Design

When the vehicle driver presses the pedal onward, the brakes get applied. Whenever the bar is pushed back, the car speeds up. This model is perfect for people that have no dexterity of fingers when they operate these controls.

  • Push/Right Angle Design

People who have restricted finger dexterity can benefit from these kinds of hand controls. At the time the driver pushes the pedal upward towards the cockpit console, the brakes are used. When the control is pressed downwards at a right angle, the vehicle speeds up.

  • Push/Pull Design

In this kind of hand control, when the lever is pressed forward, the brakes engage. When the bar is pulled backward, the vehicle accelerates. If required, a three-post hand user interface can be installed, offering the vehicle driver with the capability to keep contact with the pedal, inevitably giving better control. Push/pull hand controls are perfect for individuals with restricted finger dexterity.

  • Digitally Assisted Hand Controls

With electronically aided hand controls are high tech driving controls, the chauffeur typically takes help from joysticks as well as touchscreens for operating the car. A main set of controls manages the brakes, gas, and guiding. The second collection of driving controls can operate other functions of vehicle. This alternative is good for those that should utilize just one hand for driving, and that have limited toughness as well as a range of movement in both upper as well as lower extremities.