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Suspension tray: how does lack of maintenance compromise steering?


It is very likely that you have heard of this part, but it is still unclear what are the risks of ignoring maintenance of the suspension? This component is very important to ensure the stability of the vehicle and interferes with the performance of the steering when it has problems.

What is the hanging tray?

The suspension lift kits san jose ca is a component of the suspension system that basically acts as a support that connects the vehicle’s wheels to the chassis. This part performs several functions that are directly related to the safety, comfort and stability of the vehicle. As a result, a small problem in this component can lead to loss of car control. Suspension in vintage cars is not as powerful as modern cars, but the basic function is same. Its functions are:

  • Maintain and determine the alignment of the vehicle’s wheels;
  • Ensure that the wheels move only vertically;
  • Withstand the lateral forces generated in the curves;
  • Limit wheel movement when starting and braking.

Why is it important to choose a quality piece and the right model?

As you have seen, the suspension tray has many functions and to fulfill them well, such a part must withstand very large forces. A poor quality Nash metropolitan parts may suffer deformations and cracks. The suspension tray contains rubber bushings that prevent friction between metals. If they are of dubious quality, they can wear out quickly. It is also very important to choose the correct tray model for your car, as the precise alignment of the wheels depends on it. The main causes of exchange are:

  • Clearance in the pivots;
  • Clearance or rupture of the bushings;
  • Dents or cracks;
  • Misaligned structure.

What other parts should be checked?

In addition to the suspension tray, other parts can cause problems with the suspension system and impair vehicle steering. Try to make constant revisions to these components and, at the slightest sign of problems, consult a specialist and change them whenever necessary.

  • Shock Absorbers – Shock absorbers leaking oil or with any other defect are harmful to driving the vehicle.
  • Shock absorber cushion – The cushions are pieces coated with rubber. If they are worn, this fixation is impaired.
  • Pivots and terminals – When worn, these parts can make it difficult to drive in a straight line and hinder wheel alignment.
  • Stabilizer bar – The stabilizer bar connects the suspension column to the body and prevents it from tilting excessively in curves.
  • Tires – Worn, dry or blistered tires cause many accidents and you should always be aware of this.

Avoid simpler brands

They are manufacturers of parts that do not supply their products to the automakers and do not go through processes. The main market they serve is the parallel. Prices are lower and, therefore, attract consumers by pocket. In addition, they typically do not have extensive warranty and technical assistance coverage and pose a risk if you need to use a replacement for manufacturing defects. Buy only genuine vintage car parts from