
Things to Check Before Taking Your Motorcycle Out on A Trip


Before you go on a motorcycle trip it is important to give your bike what it needs. Well, you have to do it so it better to do it sooner rather than later, and when it becomes a problem. If you are already following what we have mentioned here then good for you. Just don’t forget the small details or get focused on just one thing. Try resolving issues with the motorcycle before they need repair, affect safety, and become a concern.Once your motorcycle riding gear and luggage are ready now let’s get the bike prepared for the ride.


Check your frame for any cracks or marks, see the cracks or chipped off paint for the stress area. See if all the bolds, mounts, and welded joints are going fine. You can lift the suspension and examine the bike from all angles. Take off the luggage if it blocks the view. Also, the swingarm should easily move from up and down and not from side-to-side instead.


All the bike controls should be how you like and are comfortable with. Push the front and rear suspension down to check the shocks. Check breaks, clutch, footpegs, levers, and handlebar. Ensure all the mounts are tight and good.Replace chaffed or frayed cables, wires, and insulation, and tires. Do the repairs and replacements now so that you can enjoy the trip without any worries.

The mirrors should stay where you set them, if they are wobbly it means replacement. Check these too for cracks and loose mounts. All of the lights should be at top working condition, this includes headlights, day time running, emergency, passing, high beams, brake light, and blinkers.

The throttle should movefreely and snap back when released. The engine shouldn’t rev higher than normal either when the throttle is idle or when handlebars are turned.


Check the front and rear brake pads before going on your trip. Replace the pads if there is not much left of it. if you think you would have to get it to replace halfway through the trip I would still day get new ones. also, keep a separate as a backup that can be used when needed.


Examine your tires thoroughly beforehand. Make sure they are in perfect riding condition because a tire blowout does no happen with warming. If you are in doubt get them replaced, a mechanic would give you a better opinion so ask them. A worn bar is a good option to know the limit of the tire, they are located at the tread. Flushed wear bars, unusual patterns, or cuts are an indication to ger new tires.

Check tire pressure and maintain the required pressure throughout the trip to ensure safety. Check the user manual if you don’t know how much pressure it needs. Tire pressure differs depending on tire, passenger and riding terrain.


While you are at tires also check the wheels. If you see anything missing, lose, or damage gets a new tire or repairs. Grab the wheel and try to move it around and roll it. If it is losing or makes clicking sound it needs a repair.


Examine the connections, wires, and battery, and make sure they are secure, in good condition, and mounted well.

Fluids and Oil

Check coolant and other oils like engine oil, brake fluid, shock oil, etc. your bike needs to get them replaced if needed or fill up to the mark elsewise. If there is debris on the radiator get it cleaned. Any of these things should not be opened when hot and under pressure. Make sure to check if there is an oil leak.

After you are done with repairs don’t go off direct to the trip. Make sure everything is as it should be as mistakes can be made. Take a test ride. I recommend being done with the repairs at least a day before the trip.